The US Minister of Commerce Raymond said that more and more American companies told her that due to the increasing risks, China is becoming increasingly not available.

Comprehensive Bloomberg and Reuters reported that Raymond Tuesday (August 29) told reporters before taking the high -speed rail to Shanghai that American companies are facing new challenges, such as new anti -spy law fines and regulations.Vagueness, as well as continuous problems such as theft and competition between intellectual property rights and subsidized Chinese companies.

She said that these in Huamei companies have been used to dealing with some traditional problems, but there are a series of new concerns, "these concerns are added together to make them feel that the risk of investing in China is too great."

Raymond Duo also criticized that the Chinese government's measures for the US storage chip company Micron are "unreasonable at all."When the Chinese government violates regulations, the United States will submit a negotiation.

Raymond more last Sunday (August 27) arrived in Beijing and opened a four -day visit.After Raymond Duo arrived in China, he held a four -hour meeting with the Chinese Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao the next day.

When Raymondo talks with Wang Wentao, the two sides agree to establish a new business problem group.Raymond said that the exchange will provide a platform to reduce China's misunderstanding of US security policies, but she also emphasized that the United States has no room for compromise or negotiations on national security issues.

Raymond Duo said: "In fact, we can now communicate with informal communication, and we can pick up the phone to talk. This is a step forward ... This does not mean that when we talk, I will compromiseOr concessions. This means that we have the opportunity to reduce misjudgment and share information. "

In addition, Raymond said that when the two parties met, the United States raised a series of issues to the Chinese side, including China ’s prohibiting domestic facade suppliers from purchasing Micron Technology Co., Ltd. products and Boeing to China’ s 737mAX aircraft and other commercial issues.Raymond Duo criticized that China ’s restrictions on the implementation of Micron are“ unreasonable ”.

Raymond Duo also mentioned that China demands the United States to reduce tariffs, reduce export control, and revoke the administrative order that restricts US enterprises' foreign investment, but she rejected these requirements.