(Washington News) The United States is seeking to extend the Sino -US Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement for six months in order to negotiate with China and the relevant terms of the "strengthening" agreement.

According to Reuters, the 44 -year -old SCIENCE and Technology Agreement (STA) signed during the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States in 1979, and then renewed every five years.

It is reported that the existence of this agreement releases a strong signal that China and the United States can shelve controversy and work together.However, the concerns of China's growing military strength and theft of scientific and commercial achievements in the United States have aroused questions about whether the agreement should continue.

The current agreement will expire on August 27.A U.S. State Department spokesman said that the six -month short -term extension this time will continue to be effective and allow the United States to negotiate with China, but this does not mean that the United States promises to extend the agreement for a long time.

The US State Department stated that the relevant agreement provides consistent standards for scientific and technological cooperation between the two countries.If it fails, all institutions will have to negotiate their arrangements with the Chinese government.

The Chinese Embassy in the United States did not immediately respond to Reuters' comment request, but Chinese officials expressed their hope to extend the agreement.

China Official Media China Daily has published an editorial that over 40 years, China and the United States have signed more than 30 protocols/agreements under the framework of relevant agreements, covering hygiene, climate change, ecological protection and nuclear safetyWaiting for more than 20 areas, it has laid a solid foundation for the establishment of mutual trust in China and the United States and expanding cooperation.