• BRICS for the defender of the" Southern Global "

  • 40 countries are interested in joining the group

  • Many developing countries are dissatisfied with the dominance of the West by the West

Tu Reuters/James oatway

The BRICS Summit considers expansion this week, which has attracted potential candidates from Iran to Argentina.They have one thing in common: hope to build a fair global competitive environment.Many countries believe that the existing environment is not good for them.

There are many dissatisfaction.For example, the abuse of trade, punitive sanctions, and the development needs of poor countries have been ignored. The wealthy Western countries control the control of the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) or the World Bank of the World.

In the case where people are generally dissatisfied with the current world order, despite the lack of specific results, the BRICS countries resonate the group's commitment to make the group the main defender of the "Global Southern".The group currently includes five major emerging market countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

South African officials said that more than 40 countries have expressed interest in joining the BRICS countries.Among them, more than 20 countries have officially applied for joining.South Africa will host the BRICS Summit from August 22nd to 24th.

"The objective necessity of an organization such as a BRICS country has never been as strong as it is now," said former South Africa Trade Minister Rob Davies.In 2010, he helped South Africa to join the BRICS Group.

"Those multilateral institutions are not where we can go and can get fair and inclusive results."

However, observers point out that Bright's past records are bland, which indicates that it has heralded it.The prospects of realizing the high hopes of potential member states are not optimistic.

Although there are about 40%of the world's population and a quarter of the global GDP, Brics has become the ambitions of global political and economic forces for a long time.

Some economies in the BRICS countries are currently slowing down, especially China, especially heavyweight.The founding member country Russia was isolated for the Ukrainian war.Russian President Putin was wanted by an international arrest order for suspected war. He would not go to Johannesburg to attend and only participate in online.

"They may have excessive expectations for the results of the status of the BRICS members in reality." Steven Gruzd, research director of the South African Institute of International Affairs, said.

The dissatisfaction of the developing countries **

Although the BRICS countries have not publicly expanded the full list of candidate countries, some countries have publicly expressed publicly expressed publiclyInteresting to join.

Iran and Venezuela have suffered from sanctions. They hope to join the BRICS countries to reduce isolation and provide assistance for the country's broken economy.

Analysts said that the Gulf National Saudi Arabia and the UAE want to play a more important role in global institutions by joining the BRICS countries.

The BRICS country promises to promote reform in the United Nations to allow Africa to have a stronger right to speak, which has attracted the willingness to join Ethiopia and Nigeria.Other countries that intend to join hope to change in the World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund and World Bank.

"Argentina has always called for re -configuration of the international financial structure," a Argentine government official who participated in the BRICS negotiations told Reuters.

** "Talking more, less action" **

The public position of the BRICS countries has reflected many of them.

Under the influence of China's tight relations with the United States and the invasion of Ukraine in Russia, it seeks the power of becoming a balanced west. Increasing the number of member states may make the BRICS and its global reform information more influential.

However, on the eve of the summit, the shortcomings of the organization became the focus of attention.

Although the leaders of the BRICS countries are expected to discuss the framework of accepting new members at the summit, China and Russia are keen to promote expansion, but other countries, especially Brazil, are worried that this process will be too hasty.

At the same time, the actual benefits of joining the organization are weakening.

The most specific achievement of the organization is the New Development Bank or "Brics Bank".Slowly lending pace was further blocked.

I hope that a small country that hopes to boost the economy through the status of a member country of the BRICS country may learn from South Africa's experience.

According to the analysis of the country's industrial development company, the trade between South Africa and the BRICS countries has indeed increased steadily since joining the BRICS countries.

But this growth depends to a large extent on imports from China, and China still accounts for only one -fifth of the total bilateral trade in South Africa.Brazil and Russia only absorbed 0.6%of South Africa exports. By last year, the trade deficit between South Africa and BRICS partners increased by four times compared with 2010 to $ 14.9 billion.

Gruzd said that this result should make candidate countries consider again and again.

"The specific achievements of the BRICS countries are difficult to find. Talking a lot, but there are very few actions."