Data Map: Nuclear sewage storage tank at Fukushima First Nuclear Power Station in Japan.

The most worried thing is still here.On the 24th, the nuclear pollution water of the Fukushima First Nuclear Power Station will be discharged into the sea.

On the 22nd, the Japanese government announced that it would discharge the nuclear pollution water from the Fukushima first nuclear power plant into the sea from August 24.On the 21st, the Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Tianshi said that the understanding of fishermen has made progress, and the Fukushima nuclear accident handling the water schedule has entered the final adjustment stage.

The problem of nuclear pollution water treatment in Japan has plagued Japanese society for more than 10 years.On March 11, 2011, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake occurred in the northeast waters of Japan and triggered a large tsunami.Affected by the dual influence of the earthquake and tsunami, a large amount of radioactive substances at the Fukushima nuclear power plant leaked.These upcoming nuclear pollution water is the cooling water injected into the reactor after the reactor is continuously injected into the reactor after the reactor.In addition, rainwater and groundwater are constantly inflow.

According to the National Telephone Public Opinion Survey conducted from the Kyodo News Agency from August 19th to 20th, as many as 88.1%of the Japanese people worried about the nuclear pollution water of the Fukushima Power Company's Fukushima Power Company.Japan is "impaired" to a certain extent.

People of many countries have strongly opposed nuclear pollution water.

On July 7, the South Korean government released a separate research report on the safety of Fukushima nuclear pollution water in Japan.The report pointed out that if the Tokyo Electric Power Company in Japan complies with the disposal of nuclear pollution water, the concentration of radioactive substances will meet the emission standards and target values, and it will also meet international standards.

On August 12, multiple environmental groups in South Korea and many people in many places held a "condemning Yin Xiyue government, preventing Fukushima nuclear pollution water for the sea" rally in the center of Seoul, South Korea. About 7,000 people participated in the rallyThe South Korean government is required to actively formulate countermeasures to oppose Japan to discharge Fukushima nuclear pollution water into the sea.

On August 18, the Japanese people once again launched a rally near the official residence of Tokyo, asking the government to abide by the promise of not dealing with nuclear pollution water that did not dispose of nuclear pollution without authorization, and withdraw the nuclear pollution water schedule.Protecting the people's hands "must not discharge nuclear pollution water into the sea" and "the government must abide by their commitments" and other slogans.Around the live speaker, the crowd echoed from time to time.Among the crowd, a number of Japanese parliament members also came to the rally scene, expressing their support for the rally people.

In July, the Japanese Fisheries Association and others submitted about 33,000 signatures to Tokyo Electric Power Corporation and Economic and Industry, opposing the nuclear pollution water of the Dongdian Fukushima first nuclear power plant.To this day, the Fisheries Organization for Fukushima County is still trying to oppose nuclear pollution water.But no matter how the people of the country and the neighbor are opposed, the Japanese government has always been "oil and salt."

Some people condemn, some are "satisfied"

Regarding the issues of the Japanese side on the disposal of nuclear pollution water, many spokespersons have the latest response.

On August 21, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Wang Wenbin said in his question that China has repeatedly pointed out that the sea is not the safest and most secure disposal plan. The Japanese side will choose the programs of the sea for economic costs.The world brings unnecessary risks.The Japanese side should face up to the legitimate concern of the international community, fully communicate with the interests of neighboring countries, and stop strengthening the planning of nuclear pollution water, discussing other disposal options other than the sea.Pollution water.

Asahi Shimbun posted on August 16 that the South Korean government and the ruling party told the Japanese side that if the nuclear pollution is not avoided, it is hoped to implement it as soon as possible to reduce the negative impact on the parliamentary elections next year.As soon as the Japanese media reported, it was questioned and criticized by South Korea in the wild party, and the South Korean government refuted for two consecutive days.The South Korean government said on August 18 that the government has never mentioned this requirement.

The first Chang Pu Shi Ran of the South Korean State Adjustment Room emphasized at a press conference on August 18 that the South Korean government's judgment on the issue of nuclear pollution water in Japan is based on the consideration of the health and safety of Korean nationals, based on comprehensive comprehensivenessScientific research does not mix any political factors.Some Korean reporters questioned whether the relevant reports of the Japanese media were real -time. Park Shiran said that this is a question that the South Korean government has never considered or impossible.

The attitude of Americans is different.On August 15, local time, at a press conference in the U.S. State Department held in Washington, a local time, Brinken said that the United States was "satisfied" about the earliest planning of nuclear pollution water in Japan as early as in late August.

Brinken replied, "We are satisfied with the plan to drain from Fukushima, we are satisfied with Japan's plans. These plans are safe and meet international standards, including the nuclear security standards of the vital international atomic energy agency (IAEA).. Japan and the International Atomic Energy Agency have conducted closely and positive coordination on their plans. After a transparent process based on science, we are satisfied with this. "

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning previously pointed out at a regular meeting of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that the international atomic energy institution is an evaluation review at the invitation of the Japanese side.It cannot be proved that the sea is the only the safest and most reliable option for dealing with nuclear pollution water.

Can I still eat imported seafood?

Because of worrying about nuclear pollution water pollution seafood, Korean consumers have recently purchased a large number of salt and seafood, and retailers also stock up because they are worried about supply shortages, which leads to rising prices of Korean seafood.

The United Nations Special Reporter Marcos Oreliana has said that Japan said that nuclear pollution water will be processed and radiation will be controlled within acceptable international standards, but the process of processing will be processed, but the process of processing will be processed, but the process of processing will be processed., That is, the "Advanced liquid treatment system" has technical restrictions, so it cannot guarantee that everything can be successful.

The German marine science research institution once pointed out that the coast of Fukushima has the strongest ocean current in the world. Within 57 days from the date of emissions, radioactive substances will spread to most of the Pacific.The impact of nuclear pollution, spreading to global waters 10 years, has affected all aspects of global fish migration, ocean fisheries, human health, ecological security, etc., and it is difficult to estimate the potential threats of human society and marine ecological environment health.

Once nuclear pollution water is formally discharged large -scale, can it be eaten by imported seafood?

China Customs General Administration has made it clear that in order to prevent Japanese foods that are contaminated with radioactive pollution, China CustomAquatic products (including edible aquatic animals) strictly review the attached certification documents, strengthen supervision, strictly implement 100%inspection, continuously strengthen the detection and monitoring of radioactive substances, and strictly prevent the input of products with risks.Customs also said that all necessary measures will be taken in a timely manner development to ensure the safety of consumer dining tables.

(part of the text comes from CCTV News, Global Times, China News Network)