The United States announced that it would implement visa restrictions on some current and former Chinese officials, saying that these officials were suspected of sending 1 million Tibetan children to boarding schools for "compulsory assimilation".

Comprehensive American Wall Street Journal and Agence France -Presse reported that US Secretary of State Brosakan said in a statement on Tuesday (August 22) that these "compulsory policies" aims to "eliminate the unique unique in the young generation of Tibet TibetLanguage, culture and religious traditions ".

Brosky also urged the Chinese government to "stop forcibly sent Tibetan children to the boarding schools of the State Office and end the forced assimilation policy implemented in Tibet and other parts of China."

A spokesman for the U.S. State Department said that the newly implemented visa ban will be applicable to the former and current Chinese officials who participated in the Tibet policy, but he refused to provide restricted measures in China on the grounds of "personal visa records and confidentiality".Official name.

In this regard, a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in the United States accused the above charges of the allegations of the Tibetan policy in China, and urged the United States to stop taking measures to interfere with Chinese sovereignty.

A spokesman said that sending Tibetan children to the boarding school effectively solved the problem of difficulties in the place where ethnic minorities were scattered in the place where they were scattered.

Brinton quoted UN human rights experts in February report that about 1 million Tibetan children were forcibly transferred to boarding schools.

The United Nations report said that this approach forced young people in Tibetan to receive Mandarin teaching, no longer learn Tibet's language, history, and culture, and forcibly let Tibetan young people integrate into the Han culture.

Special reporters authorized by the UN Human Rights Council also accused China of "forced" Tibetans to participate in vocational training programs in April this year.At the time, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs rejected the report that the report was "exactly the virtuality", and the Tibet Autonomous Region was "achieved historic achievements in human rights."