In response to the transit of the vice president of Taiwan, Lai Qingde visited the United States during the visit of Paraguay. The US official believes that his itinerary is in line with the "one China" policy, calling on the Chinese side to stay calm in this matter, and emphasized that the United States has no intention of derailing the status quo of cross -strait.

Comprehensive Agence France -Presse and Taiwan jointly reported that Bartel, chief deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy, said, on Monday (August 14) that Lai Qingde's transit was in line with the US "one China" policy.Any situation upgrade.He also said that the United States had no intention of derailing the status quo on both sides of the strait.

The official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China Sunday (August 13) said in the form of a spokesman to answer reporters that the United States arranged Lai Qingde to engage in political activities in the United States with the guise of "transit", which seriously violated a China in China.In principle, Lai Qingde was approved as a "troublemaker".

The chairman of the US House of Representatives McCawal and the chairman of the Indian group Jin Yingyu issued a statement, welcome Lai Qingde to cross the United States.

Statement pointed out that Taiwan is a model of democracy in the Indo -Pacific region and an important partner of the United States.

Statement also emphasized that the United States and allies stand with Taiwan to expand economic and defense relations to ensure that the Taiwan Strait is peaceful and open -open.