The couple's "immigration to the United States" and "buying more than 100 million dollars in the United States" and other remarks are all false information that is out of nothing and intentionally fabricated.

Jingdong's official Weibo "Jingdong spokesman" posted a post on Monday (August 14) that the above false information has been widely circulated on the Internet platform recently, and some of the media have not been verified and spread a large number of spread spreads.The above rumors even have a large -scale and organized rumor to discredit the use of the network waters.Zhou Junwu, a senior partner of the office, also posted Weibo at the same time that he was entrusted by Liu Qiangdong and Zhang Zetian to conduct a lawyer's statement on the false speech of Liu Qiangdong's "immigration to the United States" and "buying over 100 million dollars in the United States".

Statement pointed out that the above remarks are false information that deliberately fabricated. Large -scale dissemination of such rumors, rumoring and smearing, etc., have seriously damaged the reputation of Liu Qiangdong and Zhang Zetian, and the impact was bad.

Statement stated that according to relevant laws and regulations, the fabrication, distribution, and reprinting the propagators of the above rumors have suspected the infringement of reputation, and some of them who deliberately fabricated and maliciously spread rumors were suspected of violating public security.Management and even criminal crimes.

The statement emphasizes that online users, including the media and individual users, immediately delete relevant non -truthful remarks and stop publishing and reprinting.Delete the infringement content, or if there are other network users who continue to publish or reprint the above false facts, and use the infringement content, all legal measures including civil, administrative, and criminals will be adopted to resolutely investigate their legal responsibilities.