(Beijing News) The Army of the Chinese PLA invited the 43 -way military officials in China, including the United States, Australia, and France to visit a division base in Beijing Weijing District.This is the first time that the PLA Army has organized a military officer in China to visit the base after the crown disease epidemic.

According to the news of the Chinese People's Liberation Army WeChat public account "People's Army" on Sunday (28th), it was released on Sunday (28th). 53 military military officers in China, including Bulgaria, France, Thailand, Mongolia, the United States, Brazil, Zimbabwe, Australia, etc.The national defense officer of the affairs was invited to visit a division of Beijing Weijing District on the 25th.

The notice said that this is the first time that the PLA Army has organized visiting activities in China since the epidemic of the crown disease.The delegation was led by the chairman of the Army Club of the Army in China and the Bulgarian defense military officer Grandcifer.

The notification also said that the officer and soldiers of the division successively showed military courses such as light weapon basic shooting, guard fighting skills, application shooting, motorcycle special driving, light -type high -move infantry fighting operation and other military courses.The level of officers and soldiers training, fighting style and spiritual style ".

Zou Geyin, deputy chief of staff of the PLA Army, said that the Chinese Army will always adhere to and practice the concept of peaceful development, hoping to work with military officials from various countries, deepen mutual trust, and set up friendship bridges to add more strength to jointly maintain world peace and development.