The Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army invited 53 military military officers in China, including the United States and Australia, to visit a division in Beijing Weijing District.It is reported that this is the first time that the Army has organized a military officer to visit China since the crown disease epidemic.

According to the notification issued by the WeChat account of the "People's Army" on Sunday (May 28), the visit was conducted on Thursday (May 25), and the chairman of the Army Club in China, Bulgarian Defense Officer Gencoff leads the team.

The notification stated that this was the first time that the Army has organized a military officer in China since the crown disease epidemic.Understanding between the Army and the Army of various countries. "

Zou Geyin, deputy chief of staff of the Army, said that the Chinese Army will always adhere to and practice peaceful development concepts, hoping to work with military officers from various countries, deepen mutual trust, set up friendship bridges, and add more to maintaining world peace and development together.Multi -force.

The notice finally said that a division in Beijing Weiyu District has a long history and heavy tradition. It has experienced the War of Resistance Against Japan, the War of Liberation, and the War of Resistance to the United States and aid the North Korea.