(Washington/Beijing Comprehensive News) According to US media reports, Li Hui, a special representative of the Chinese government Eurasian affairs, visited Europe to promote the ceasefire in the Russia and Ukraine.And emphasized that it will not withdraw the support for Ukraine.

According to the Wall Street Journal, several Western officials who understand the content of Li Hui and European representative talks say that Li Hui shows that although Europe is an American ally, he should still adhere to its strategic autonomy and quickly promote Russia and Ukraine to stop fires so that Russia controls itPart of the Ukrainian territory now occupy.

A European diplomat revealed that they told Li Hui that unless the Russian army withdrew, the freezing conflict did not conform to the interests of the international community.The official said that Li Hui was told that "it is impossible to split Europe and the United States", and Europe would not withdraw from support for Ukraine.

Ukraine Foreign Minister Culba and Li Hui have emphasized that Kiev will not accept an agreement to cease or end the war with Russia or end the war with any Ukraine accepting the loss of territory.

However, these officials said that it is too early to deny China's efforts, but given that Beijing's relationship with Moscow is so close, they have questioned whether China has the ability to act as a honest mediation person in any negotiations.

Another diplomat said that China may be testing whether the West is united and trying to show initiative.Another diplomat said that China's main concern seems to ensure that Russia will not lose the war and Moscow does not use nuclear weapons.

European diplomats try to convey three key information during talks with Li Hui, that is, China must continue to put pressure on Russia to prevent Moscow from using nuclear weapons; China must not provide military assistance to Russia; China should condemn Moscow's aggression.

Li Hui visited Ukraine, Poland, Germany, France, Belgium, and Russia since mid -May to communicate with the Ukrainian crisis with all parties.

According to the press release according to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China on Saturday (27), Li Hui said in Moscow on the 26th in Moscow's talks with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, Deputy Foreign Minister Rudenko, and Galujin that China will strengthen exchanges with all parties."Make real efforts to solve the Ukraine crisis."