China issued a report on Thursday (May 18), saying that the United States is the initiator of the coercion of diplomacy and emphasized that China has never carried out coercion bullying.

According to the United States' coercive diplomacy and its hazardous reports issued by Xinhua News Agency, China's pointed out that coercion diplomacy is the standard in the US foreign policy toolbox.Division of the field is used to be used to engage in diplomatic diplomacy around the world. The countries around the world have been harmed, and developing countries are the first to be.

For example, the United States violates the principles of fair trade, impose tariffs on China, and seals technically to China in the chip field.The United States has also imposed comprehensive sanctions on Russia.

China refers to the United States who is good at direct or indirect ways to support the domestic war in direct or indirect ways to support agent war, incite domestic war, provide weapons and ammunition, and train anti -government armed forces to combat non -obedient countries and regions.

China said in the report that the US dollar hegemony is an important foundation for the United States to implement economic coercion. Trade control is an important means of economic coercion in the United States. Long -arm jurisdiction is another commonly used economic coercion.

China also said in the report: "The United States regards the facts of stressing diplomacy regardless of itself. Out of political private interests, it will label diplomatic labels to other countries such as China."

The report emphasizes that the important tradition of Chinese diplomacy is to adhere to the equality of countries, and never divide the countries around the world into three, six -nine, etc. "Never engage in the set of coquettish bullying, and the banner has always clearly opposed hegemony, unilateralism and coercion diplomacy."" ".

The report also said that China never threatens other countries with force, never put together military alliances, never outputs ideology, never runs to someone else's door to pick up things, and never put hands into other people's homes.Do not take the initiative to provoke a trade war, and never target other countries."Slandering China to engage in so -called coercion diplomacy is obviously a crime of adding to add.