China News Agency, Toronto, May 8th. A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in Canada on May 8th said a conversation on a Consular official of the Canadian side on May 8th that China will resolutely take countermeasures to occur.All consequences shall be borne by the Canada.

Embassy spokesman said that on May 8, the Canadian government openly announced that a consular official of the Chinese Consulate General in Toronto based on the so -called "China interference and the internal affairs" lies in the so -called "interference in the internal affairs" of the media of the Canadian government.EssenceThis seriously violates the basic guidelines for international law and international relations, seriously violates China -Canada's bilateral related agreement, and deliberately destroys Sino -Canadian relations.China has strongly condemned and resolutely opposed, and has proposed a serious protest to the Canada.

The spokesman of the embassy reiterated that China never interfered with other domestic politics. The so -called "China interference in the internal affairs" has no basis. It is a political manipulation of Chinese naked slanderous signs of slander and ideological bias.The unreasonable provocation of Canada has seriously harmed the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese foreign consular personnel.

A spokesman emphasized that China ’s foreign consular personnel in Canada have always strictly followed the relevant international conventions and the China -Canada bilateral agreement to perform their duties in accordance with the law.Instead of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese foreign consular personnel, the Canadian government deliberately caters to the hype of anti -China forces and adopts extreme behaviors against Chinese consular officials. China will never accept it.The Chinese side urged the Fang to immediately cliff and not to go further and further on the wrong road.If the Canadian side is arrogant, China will make a resolute and powerful backbone.