U.S. media reports, US and European officials say they believe that the spring offensive formulated by Ukraine or pave the way for peaceful negotiations for Kiev and Moscow before the end of the year, and China can assist Russia on the negotiating table.

The Wall Street Journal of the United States reported on Sunday (May 7) that Western countries encouraged negotiations and seeking the willingness to make China in the negotiations represent their thinking on behalf of their thinking, and the changes in the United States are particularly obvious.As China has long supported Russia, it has made the United States highly suspicious of China's participation in peace talks.U.S. Secretary of State Brills recently publicly expressed cautious and optimistic attitude, arguing that China may help resolve the conflict.

The above -mentioned European and American officials said that the attitude of Western countries has not been able to continue to fight unlimitedly, and it should test that China ’s willingness to play a role in international peaceful negotiations should be tested.Nevertheless, Western countries still cannot determine whether Russia is willing to suspend fire negotiations under the leadership of President Putin.

The interest in negotiating makes Washington more consistent with the positions of some European countries.These countries are eager to see the end of the Russian and Ukraine conflict, or at least the situation will ease, and I hope that this year discuss some solutions.The United States, Britain, and other countries have publicly stated that Ukraine should try their best to defeat Russia.

Hodg of the National Security Council spokesman Hodg said: "We have clearly expressed that they will continue to support Ukraine to defend our country to avoid Russia's unprecedented invasion. This support will continue. Unfortunately, it is unfortunate.We did not see any signs that Russia was ready to stop attacking the people of Ukraine. This is why we are committed to helping Ukraine to protect their people from Russia's aggression. "

French President Macron is very clearUnderworld pushes Ukraine to seek negotiation with the Kremlin after the spring offensive.Officials of the White House and the State Department have long believed that all wars can end on the negotiating table, but say that this requires Russia to show their true interests in order to carry out negotiations sincerely.The military assistance provided by the United States to Ukraine aims to make Kiev at a more favorable position on the negotiating table.

According to European officials, the main officials of the National Security Council in favor of the Russian and Ukraine negotiations, and the US State Department and the US Central Intelligence Agency are skeptical.way.

A spokesman for the National Security Council denied that the European government had different statements about the US government.The U.S. State Department and the Central Love Bureau did not respond to the Wall Street Journal's comment request.