Huang Qifan, the former mayor of Chongqing, China, said that the Chinese economy still has multiple dividends available, including the open dividends brought by the regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement (RCEP).He also emphasized that Chinese companies can use the agreement to deal with the impact of US tariffs on China and Canada.

According to, Huang Qifan said on Saturday (May 6) at the 2023 Tsinghua Wudaokou Chief Economist Forum that the dividend of this piece in the next ten years will emerge.Prior to 2018, the average total import and export trade between China and Southeast Asia averaged more than 600 billion US dollars each year (the same, about 795.7 billion yuan), and in 2022 has risen to more than 900 billion US dollars.

RCEP provides a buffer in an environment where Chinese products are imposed on Chinese products.Huang Qifan said that RCEP's origin agreement stipulates that as long as the added value of the product in a country is more than 20%, it can be regarded as the product of this country.

He explained: "As long as Southeast Asian countries have 20%of the added value when processing, it will not be affected by the United States' tariffs on China. In this sense, the RCEP origin agreement can become a response to cope.A very powerful weapon in the U.S. tariff war. "

Huang Qifan believes that the current labor cost of Southeast Asian labor is much lower than that of the coastal areas in China.Therefore, some labor -intensive industries, such as light industry, textiles or electronic assembly companies, transferred to Southeast Asia."Southeast Asia has grown rapidly in recent years, 60%of them are invested by Chinese companies, not European and American companies account for big heads."

Huang Qifan said that this is the effect of RCEP.After people's hearts, "everyone reflects the policies with enough."

He also said that although many Chinese companies moved the processing links to Southeast Asia, the parts, components, raw materials, and the resources of the upper and middle reaches and the industrial chain cluster are still in China.Therefore, the rapid growth of trade between China and Southeast Asia is beneficial to China in the long run and is also beneficial to Southeast Asia. It is a reflection of optimizing resource allocation.

Huang Qifan suggested that Chinese enterprises should focus on the short board expansion, strong chain, and supplementary chain in the domestic industrial chain cluster.

He said: "If there is a lack of core enterprises, foundry leaders, and linked enterprises, the owner of the industrial chain layout is others. If China eventually cultivates the chain owner of a large industry chain cluster, that is, the industrial chainThe core products are invented by Chinese enterprises, so they really grasp the initiative of the industrial chain layout. They can be deployed according to the advantages of various localities.The scene that should be available. "