Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang Monday (May 8) met with the US ambassador to China in Beijing, emphasizing that the urgent prince was to stabilize Sino -US relations and avoid spiral decline.Scholars' analysis believes that this shows that Beijing has prepared to repair the relationship with the Biden government, and may be willing to pave the way for US Secretary of State Brillin to visit China.

Qin Gang, who had just ended his visit to see Bernus on Monday, was the first time he met with the Chinese Foreign Minister at the end of last year.Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on the same day, saying "this is a normal diplomatic arrangement."

Qin Gang affirmed the successful meeting of China and the United States in the Bali Island last November last November and reached an important consensus.Donary, the relationship between the two countries encountered the ice again.

Qin Gang emphasized that "the emergency is to stabilize Sino -US relations and avoid spiral declines to prevent accidents between China and the United States. This should be the most basic consensus between China and the United States, and it is also the bottom line that the two big powers must keep together."

He also reminds the United States on the one hand that it cannot talk about communication, but on the other hand, it continues to curb China. It must respect China's bottom line red line. In particular, it is necessary to properly handle the Taiwan issue, stop continuing to hollow the principle of "one China", and stop supporting the indulgence "Taiwan independence "split forces.

After the talks, Bernus tweeted that he discussed the challenges in US -China relations with Qin Gang, as well as the necessity of stable relationships and expanding high -level communication.

Berns said at the Internet symposium on May 2, saying that the United States had prepared to have a high -level talks with China, arguing that the two countries must establish a deeper communication channel.This is the most clear signal that the United States hopes to restore a broader dialogue with China after the February of February.

The scholars of the interviewees evaluated that this meeting shows that Beijing has been ready to re -revise the relationship with the Biden government, and may also intend to re -arrange Bollingin to pave the way to China, in order to resume the establishment of bilateral relations through the recovery of high -level interaction between China and the United States for the establishment of bilateral relations.Rainers.

Zhu Feng, dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University, analyzed in an interview with the United Morning Post that Chinese senior officials sent a very important signal through Monday meeting, that is, the continued deterioration of Sino -US relations will be a "catastrophic event".Stop loss must be returned to the constructive relationship track.

Li Mingjiang, an associate professor at the Rajernan International Research Institute of Nanyang University of Science and Technology in Singapore, also discussed the greatest significance of Qin Gang's meeting with Berns, reflecting that after the frequent contradictions between China and the United States since August last year, there are stillThe willingness to stabilize bilateral relations as much as possible.

Zhu Feng pointed out that after the balloon incident, China and the United States have experienced a calm thinking period, and the United States has continued to clarify the basic position in recent months, emphasizing unintentional decircation with China, but to "de -risk."He believes that Sino -US relations have now come to an important critical moment. The key to the next step is whether to restart the high -level dialogue.

Li Mingjiang evaluated that the negative impact of the contradictions in the past few months on Sino -US relations has weakened, and China may also positively interpret the policy signal released by the Biden government's important members in the near future.He believes that the two countries currently restart the high -level diplomatic interaction. The actual purpose is to restart the discussion of the formulation of the fence in order to regulate the relationship between the two countries./P>

Bernus reiterated on May 2nd that the United States still pursued the "one China" policy, but emphasized that cross -strait differences must be resolved in a peaceful way.On May 6, the United States reported that it plans to use emergency authorization to promote US $ 500 million (S $ 662 million) weapon assistance through urgent authorization in Ukraine.

Li Mingjiang said: "The biggest interference factor between China and the United States may have the biggest damage effect is the Taiwan Strait." He expects that the Biden government may be a little cautious when challenging the Beijing Red Line, but for domestic political reasonsContinue to adhere to the exchanges between Taiwan's military sales and US -Taiwan officials.

Qin Gang will visit Germany, France, and Norway on Monday.Zhu Feng evaluated that Qin Gang and Bernus met with Bernus to pave the way for Europe before setting off in Europe, and it is expected that it will emphasize that China is willing to cooperate with dialogue in Europe.