The United States Representatives require Nike, Adidas, and two Chinese -funded cross -border e -commerce to provide information to explain whether their transmission of products involve forced labor in Xinjiang, China.

According to Bloomberg, the Chairman of the House of Representatives, Chairman of the China Issues Special Committee, Republican MP Mike Gallagher, and the chief Democratic Democratic member of the committee Raja Krishnamoorthi on Tuesday (May) (May) (May) (May) (May) (May) (May) (May) (May) (May)On the 2nd) Xun Nike, Adidas, and Chinese -funded cross -border e -commerce SHEIN and Temu.

The United States accuses China forced Xinjiang Uighurs to work.The U.S. Congress in 2021 prohibit imports from Xinjiang by preventing the Uyghur labor law from preventing the Uyghur labor law, unless the enterprise provides evidence to prove that they have no forced labor in their supply chain.China has always denied allegations of forced labor in Xinjiang.

In the letter, US members raised a series of issues to these companies, including the procurement place of product raw materials, and what measures these companies have taken to check the supply chain since passing the law.

According to reports, Garrat and Krichanamuli wrote in the letter that at a hearing in March, experts said that the clothing purchased by Nike and Adidas used from Xinjiang from Xinjiang.Raw materials.

They also wrote that it continued to import goods involving Uighurs forced labor during the production process, which may violate the forced Uyghur labor law.

Hime said in a statement that the company does not have suppliers in Xinjiang, and "zero tolerance" for forced labor.