US ambassador to China Burns said, to ChinaThe constraints of scientific and technological trade are limited and common sense measures to avoid strengthening their opponents' military strength.

According to Bloomberg, Bernus said in China in China to attend the online symposium of Washington Think Tank Stin Shengsheng Center in China: "We did not want to separate these two economies, but they were inWe have done this in some areas, and we will continue to take measures to protect our national security interests. "He also took the United States to limit semiconductor exports in October last year as an example.

Bernus added: "(If not doing it), this may enhance the strength of the Chinese army and intelligence. There is no reason to do this at all, because we are doing a major match with ChinaCompetition. "

It is reported that Bernus's statement has strengthened the information transmitted by senior US officials in recent weeks, that is, the Biden government wants to" reduce "the risks from China, not the China.The world's second largest economy is "decourse".

Berns also said that most American companies hope to stay in China, but they will delay investment before they are convinced that China to abandon the strict "zero policy" can be delayed before continuing.

He emphasized that the US government has clearly notified the regulatory measures to restrict trade in certain fields to the US companies in China, and there is no confusion in this regard.

Bernus said: "Our investment in two -way trade relations is increasing rather than decrease ... But in some aspects of these advanced technology areas, we have announced some restrictionsMeasures, because this obviously meets the national security interests of the United States. "