Vietnamese Prime Minister Fan Mingzheng said on Saturday, a U.S. Secretary of State Broskere, who visited in Hanoi, said that the two countries are seeking to raise bilateral relations to "a new height."This was the first time that the US President Biden and the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Communist Party of China at the end of last month called Ruan Fuzhong, and Yuefang first stated that he was willing to improve bilateral relations.

(Hanoi Composite Electric) The United States and Vietnam expressed their hope to improve their bilateral relations.

Vietnamese Prime Minister Fan Mingzheng said on Saturday (April 15th), a U.S. Secretary of State Brosky, who visited in Hanoi, said that the two countries are seeking to raise bilateral relations to "a new height."This was the first time that the US President Biden and the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Communist Party of China at the end of last month called Ruan Fuzhong, and Yuefang first stated that he was willing to improve bilateral relations.

The United States wants to set up an alliance against China in Southeast Asia, and Vietnam is one of its active targets.The United States has recently actively conducted high -level contacts with Vietnam, hoping to promote the "comprehensive partnership" of the two countries to be promoted to "strategic partnership."

This is the first time that Brinken has visited Vietnam since he became the Secretary of State.He delivered a brief speech before meeting Fan Mingzheng, saying that the relationship between the two countries had made "extraordinary progress" in the past 10 years.He said that this year is the 10th anniversary of the formal establishment of a comprehensive partnership between the two countries. "We think this is a good time to enhance our existing partnership ... We think this is a good time to advance."

At present, the specific content of promoting bilateral relations is unknown. It is still unknown when the two countries will implement and upgrade, but Brinken said that he hopes to achieve this goal in the future.

Brinken also met with Ruan Fuzhong.According to Yue Tong News Agency, the representative of Blinden Kaiden once again invited the other party to visit the United States.Ruan Fuzhong thanked and instructed the relevant agencies to follow up, and he also invited Biden to visit Vietnam.

Brinken also attended the landmark ceremony of the United States to build a new embassy in Hanoi that day.

The outside world speculates that in July this year, the United States and Vietnam will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the establishment of a comprehensive partnership. Biden and Ruan Fuzhong may conduct mutual visits or arrange other forms of high -level meetings.

Analysis: For bilateral relations upgrade, Vietnam may be more retained

Analysts pointed out that Vietnam may be more retained for the promotion of bilateral relations because it may be worried that it will irritate China's important economic partners.In addition, Russia is also an important partner of Vietnam, and Hanoi may not want to be considered to be in the same line as the United States to fight against Russia.

Abuza, a professor at the National War of the National War of the Washington, pointed out that if the bilateral relations of the United States and Vietnam are successfully upgraded, there are various means in Beijing to "punish Vietnam", such as increasing military pressure in the South China Sea, and closing the border trade with Vietnam.Essence"Beijing can increase their activities in Laos and Cambodia. China not only has military and diplomatic channels, but also can effectively use the party's channels for the party."

However, with the latest statement of the United States and Vietnam, scholars and experts now believe that the possibility of successful upgrading of bilateral relations between the two countries will increase this year.They believe that the Vietnamese government has done a good job in appeased China.

Ruan Kejiang, a visiting researcher at the Easov Isaf Issa East South Asian Research Institute in Singapore, said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao: "Vietnam has always been cautious in terms of balanced its relationship with China and the United States, but the bilateral relations between Vietnam and the United States should have been upgraded." He should have been upgraded. "It is believed that the United States is "likely" to become a strategic partner of Vietnam this year.

He believes that, as far as the diplomatic level is concerned, even if Vietnam and the United States upgrade into strategic partners, it is still not as good as Vietnam's diplomatic relations with China, so it is expected that China will not respond too much about this."There are 17 strategic partners in Hanoi. In this regard, it is not special to raise the relationship with the United States to this level."

Professor Abuza believes that Fan Mingzheng's above statement may be to test China's reaction, so he did not make much promise.

After the visit to Vietnam, Brinken flew to Japan on Sunday to participate in the Foreign Minister's Meeting of the Seventh Kingdom Group.