(Manila Comprehensive News) The Chinese ambassador Huangxi in the Philippines accusing the Philippines of the opening of military bases near the Taiwan Strait for U.S. military use, which will only "fuel on fire" in the Taiwan Strait situation.

Huangxi Lian's Friday (April 14) said in Manila to attend the Eighth and Philippine Manila Forum in Manila that the current situation of the Taiwan Strait is "facing a new round of tension and severe challenges", the root cause is Taiwan independence forces and the United States collusion with each other.The United States stubbornly pursues the strategy of "controlled China with Taiwan", continues to cross -line provocations, and blur and empty the "one China" principle.

According to a report published by the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines on Saturday (April 15th), Huang Xilian reiterated during the forum that Taiwan's issue is in the Chinese internal affairs and cannot tolerate any foreign interference."Just as the old Mianlan old problem also belongs to the Philippine internal affairs, the Philippines will not allow any third party to draw on the Filiping Mianlan old rebellion."

Huangxi Company criticized the United States at an attempt to use the Philippines to strengthen the Filipino military base used by the Philippines to strengthen the defense cooperation agreement to interfere with the Taiwan issue, and at the expense of the peaceful development of the Philippines and regions.

Some people in the Philippines believe that opening more four military bases in the United States can help protect the security of 150,000 workers in Taiwan.In this regard, Huangxi Lianju revealed that China is the country in the world that does not want the Taiwan Strait to conflict."If the Philippines is really worried about the safety of 150,000 workers in Taiwan, it should be even more opposed to Taiwan independence instead of opening up the military base that is close to the United States.

He also emphasized that China will never promise to abandon the use of force and retain the options that adopt all necessary measures. They are targeted at external forces interference and very few independent divisions and split activities.

The Philippines announced in early April that the four military bases that were newly opened to the U.S. military increased the total number to nine.Among them, three new bases in the northern dynasties in Isabella and Kagayan Province, the base of Balawwan province is close to the Dispute Nansha Islands in the South China Sea sovereignty.

When talking about these four bases, the Philippines and the U.S. government are focusing on humanitarian rescue, saying that the deployment of the US military will help strengthen the Philippines' disaster relief capabilities.When President President President Macos was questioned recently, the Philippines would not allow the base to be used to launch attacks.

However, the Philippines and China have repeatedly frictions in the South China Sea in the near future, making the relationship between the two countries nervous.The defense cooperation between the United States and the Philippines is getting closer and closer, and it is considered that the two countries should check and balance China through strengthening allies.

Huangxi Lian: The problem of the South China Sea should be resolved by the party's dialogue and negotiation

For the differences between the China and the Philippines on the issue of the South China Sea, Huang Xilian said that the differences should be directly resolved by the parties on the basis of mutual respect."History has repeatedly proved that any provocative behavior or out -of -domain forces' intervention is not only unsuitable, but it will complicate the situation ... endanger regional peace and security. We should learn from historical lessons and avoid repeating the same mistakes."