Chairman Michael Micala (Chairman of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee MichaelMccaul) Glory by sanctions by mainland China.

McCal issued a statement on the official website of the US House of Representatives on Thursday (April 13) saying: "(for me) by the Chinese Communist Party's sanctions is a glory.Democratic countries, including Taiwan. Ironically, this is an unspeakable action that meets the interests of the United States, and also allows our international partners to pay more attention, and at the same time exposes the public violations of the CCP. "

McCell led the cross -party delegation to visit Taiwan last week. During this period, it was treated by Tsai Ing -wen, Taiwan, and said that the possibility of introducing the low -orbiting satellite high -speed network star chain (Starlink) system to Taiwan was discussed.Assist in providing military training to Taiwan and accelerating the delivery of US military sales.

The official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China was announced on Thursday. From now on, McCell, which has frequently adopted the internal affairs of China in recent years, has frequently adopted the Chinese internal affairs and damaged the Chinese interests and deeds, including frozen its real estate, real estate, and other in China.Various types of property; prohibiting organizations in China, personal transactions, cooperation and other activities in China; they will not issue visas and not allowed to enter the country.