The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a Chinese position on Afghanistan on Wednesday (April 12). Afghanistan is welcome to participate in the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" to support Afghanistan integrates regional economic cooperation and interconnection.At the same time, China has also urged the United States to take responsibility to perform in Afghanistan and face the risk challenges of Afghanistan's severe humanity, economy, and security.

According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, China respects Afghanistan's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, respects the independent choices made by the people of Afghanistan, and respects Afghanistan's religious beliefs and national habits.China has never interfered in Afghanistan's internal affairs, never seeking private interest in Afghanistan, and never seeking so -called power scope.

China sincerely looks forward to Afghanistan to build an open and inclusive political structure, pursue a gentle and stable internal and external policies, and communicate with all countries, especially neighboring countries.It is hoped that all Afghan people, including women, children and ethnic minorities, will continue to make positive efforts in the direction of Afghan people and the expectations of the international community.

China will continue to provide power and help for the reconstruction and development of Afghanistan, implement various assistance commitments with Afghanistan planning, steadily promote economic and trade investment cooperation, and actively carry out cooperation in the fields of medical treatment, poverty alleviation, agriculture, disaster prevention and mitigation, help help, help help, help help, and help help.Afghanistan achieved autonomy and sustainable development at an early date.China welcomes Afghanistan to participate in the joint construction of the “Belt and Road”, support Afghanistan integrates regional economic cooperation and interconnection, and has changed from “Luo Suokuo” to “Land”.

China also supports Afghanistan in the statement that Afghanistan is resolutely and powerful, calling for strengthening counter -terrorism two -sided cooperation, and cooperating to crack down on Ah Ah's "three forces", including terrorism, splitism, and extremism.

Statement urges the United States to actively perform responsibility for Afghanistan's performance, saying that the international community generally believes that as the initiator of Afghanistan, the United States seizes Afghanistan assets and implemented unilateral sanctions on Afghanistan.The biggest external factors.The United States should learn lessons from the Afghanistan changes, face up to the risk challenges such as Afghanistan's severe humanity, economy, and security, immediately lifted sanctions against Afghanistan, returned overseas assets of Afghanistan, implemented humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan, and ensured that the people's livelihood in Afghanistan was urgently needed for urgent need for people's livelihood.Essence

The statement also said that the opposition to the outside world intervention and infiltration of Afghanistan.Regional countries generally believe that forces outside the region for more than 20 years have carried out military interference in Afghanistan and "democratic transformation", which has brought huge losses and pain to Afghanistan, and it is difficult to eliminate negative impacts in the next many years.Starting from helping Afghanistan to achieve long -term stability, the relevant countries should not try to deploy military facilities to Afghanistan and its surrounding areas again. They should not engage in "dual standards" on the issue of counter -terrorism, and should not achieve their geopolitical maps through fear.

The statement emphasized that in the new situation, Afghanistan should be a platform for cooperation between all parties, not a place for geopolitical games.China supports any solutions and measures that help promote the political solution of Afghanistan issues.Russia (Lang) Foreign Minister Afghanistan has an informal meeting, "China, the United States and Russia+" consultations, and the United Nations mechanism platforms to actively carry out coordination involved in Afghanistan, and strive to consolidate the consensus joint effort of international and regional stabilization.