As Brazilian President Lula visited China, COFCO China, China's largest agricultural and grain food company, reportedly imported 34 million tons of agricultural products from Brazil in the past three years, with a total import amount of 19 billion US dollars (the same below, the same, the same,About 25.2 billion yuan).

China News Agency reported on Thursday (April 13) the above news, and said that in addition to agricultural products, COFCO also continuedAnd operate two large docks.The port of Santos is the largest port in Latin America.

Since entering Brazil in 2014, COFCO Group has invested more than 2.3 billion US dollars in the local area.In 2022, COFCO Group has become Brazil's fifth largest corn exporter, the sixth largest exporter, and seventh largest raw sugar processor, and the largest exporter to Chinese soybeans.

The relevant person in charge of COFCO Group said in an interview that introducing Brazilian agricultural products into China not only solves the problem of sales of agricultural products in Brazilian farmers, but also meets the needs of domestic agricultural products in China.

Brazilian President Lula went to China for four days on Wednesday (12th).The 77 -year -old Lulla was scheduled to bring 240 Brazilian business leaders to China on March 25, and later delayed his trip due to pneumonia.He defeated the extreme right -right Posonaro in October last year and was elected President of Brazil.