International Monetary Fund (IMF) said that in the process of spending more funds to cope with the aging of the population and turning to clean energy, the government of some major economies will increase debt in the next few years, China and the United States in the United States, China and the United StatesThe government is especially true.

According to the Wall Street Journal, IMF said in the financial monitoring report released on Wednesday (April 12) that with the high cost of crown disease epidemic, the debt of government debt in the world has dropped briefly, butIt is expected that this year will rise again and keep up in the next five years.

This rise is also partially reflecting the high ascending to raise interest rates in many central banks to fight high inflation.

IMF economists warn that the increase in government debt and expenditure may exacerbate inflation pressure and destroy the efforts of these central banks.

Voteor Gaspar, director of the IMF Fiscal Affairs Department, said: "For most countries, there are sufficient reasons to tighten fiscal policies." He refers to reducing expenses or tax increasesmeasure."Tighter fiscal policy can help reduce overall demand and reduce inflation pressure, and inflation pressure will force the central bank to raise interest rates."The loan will reach 93.3%of the global GDP (GDP) this year, and gradually increases, reaching 99.6%in 2028.The ratio of debt to GDP in 2018 was 82.8%, and in 2020 reached 99.7%.

Gaspar said: "The United States and China have contributed the biggest to this trend ... If the United States and China are eliminated, the ratio of global public debt to GDP will decline."

IMF economist said that US government debt is expected to continue to rise in the next few years, partly because with the retirement of the infant tide generation, the US government's expenditure in medical, health and social safety and welfare increases, and in clean energyProjects and other domestic economic policies have more investment.

According to the IMF data, it is estimated that by 2028, the ratio of the total government debt to GDP in the United States will rise to 136.2%, higher than 107.4%in 2018, and higher than the 133.5 of the epidemic period in 2020%Peak value.The ratio of debt to GDP this year is expected to be 122.2%, which is slightly higher than 121.7%in 2022.

China, the second largest economy in the world, is another country with the rapid rise in government debt.IMF predicts that by 2028, the ratio of China's debt to GDP will rise to 104.9%. In contrast, the ratio of debt to GDP in 2023 is expected to be 82.4%, and 2018 will be 56.7%.

IMF economists said that the factors behind China's debt -scale climbing include China's population is rapidly aging, leading to increased government expenditure; at the same time, the government is still taking stimulating measures to maintain economic growth.