(Morning News) Former US President Trump requested the Supreme Court to intervene in the Ministry of Justice in Haihu Manor to seize national confidential documents.The behavior of general government archives records a part of criminal investigation.

Reuters reported that Trump filed an emergency request on Tuesday (October 4), requiring the Supreme Court to reject part of the ruling of the court, stating that the ruling prevented him from asking for the appointment.Independence reviews marked as confidential files.

More than 100 documents are part of the 11,000 government archives that the Federal Investigation Bureau has retrieved from Trump's home in Haihu Manor in Florida nearly two months ago.

Aileen Canon, judge of the Federal District Court of France, recently approved Trump's application, and Raymond Dearie, senior judge of the Federal District Court of New York, is the Special Master, andIndependent review of personal belongings and documents seized from Haihu Manor, and materials that may involve confidentiality or administrative privileges involving lawyers and customers.

The local judge nominated by Trump also decided that the Ministry of Justice was temporarily prohibited from reviewing confidential documents and seizure until the special officer completed an independent review.But the 11th Appeals Court of Atlanta rejected the decision on September 21.Aside from the classification mark, whether the documents should be classified as a personal or presidential record. "

Trump's lawyer also said that the Ministry of Justice "tried to set a document management dispute as criminal crime, and now he is still strongly opposed to formulating a transparent procedure that we urgently need."

On August 8th, the US Federal Investigation Agency personnel entered the Haihu Manor with a search order.According to the information that was later authorized, more than 11,000 government documents and photos were seized in Haihu Manor, more than 100 of which were tightly titled, 54 were "secrets", 31 were "confidential", and 31 were "confidential", and "confidential", and "confidential", and "confidential", and "confidential", and "confidential", and "confidential".18 copies are the highest level of "top secrets".

Trump has denied improper behavior. He accused the Federal Investigation Bureau and the Ministry of Justice searched Haihu Manor for political purpose, saying that there were some information in the seized objects to be protected by lawyers and customers' confidentiality privileges and administrative privileges.Proposal to appoint a special officer for review.

Among the three judges of the 11th Appeals Court of Atlanta, the United States, two judges were appointed when Trump served as president, and the other judge was appointed when Obama served as president.

Among the nine judges of the Supreme Court of the United States, conservatives accounted for six, and only three liberals.Among the six conservative judges, three judges were nominated when Trump served as president.