(Morning News) The Japanese government said that according to analysis, the missiles launched on Tuesday (October 4) of North Korea From 7:28 am to 29th in the morning to 29 (Singapore time from 6:28 am to 29:00 in the morning), it passes over and out of Aomori Prefecture, and falls at about 7.44 at the Pacific Ocean, about 3,200 kilometers east of the Japanese islands.a href = "Realtime/World/Story20221004-1319354"> Outside the Japanese exclusive economic zone .No report of losses has been received.

The flight distance of prefining missiles is about 4,600 kilometers, which is the longest distance of North Korean missiles; the maximum flight height is about 1,000 kilometers.This is the seventh time the North Korean missile flew over Japan, the last time in September 2017.

Kyodo News reported that Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Concubes that "this is a atrocities and a serious impact on the lives and property of the people." Matsuna Kazaki Matsuna, the secretary of the Japanese cabinet, said at a press conference: "This is a serious and urgent threat to my country's security."

Posted a serious protest to North Korea through the embassy in Beijing.

The Japanese government has passed the channel channels in Beijing Proposal to North Korea with solemn protest.Japan, the United States and South Korea also strongly condemned in the telephone consultation of the government's senior officials that "this is a obvious and serious challenge to the international community."

The Japanese Defense Minister Hamada Yichi has a range of medium -range ballistic missiles, which may be the same type as the "Mars 12" launched in January this year.

According to the South Korean military news, the missile was launched near Cijiang Road in northern North Korea.The Japanese government listed Hokkaido and Aomori Prefecture as the target area through the national instantaneous alarm system (J-Alert) and issued a hedging alert to the local people.In addition, the official issued J-Alert to Tokyo's islands for the first time.

The flight distance can be from North Korea to the US forces.You can reach the US forces from North Korea.

The Ministry of Land and Transportation of Japan notified to remind the aircraft around Japan to remind that the Shinko -Mori to Shenggang section of Shinkansen Northeast Shinkansen was suspended.

North Korea has launched missiles with rare frequencies this year, and launched intercontinental ballistic missiles from a high -angle "high ballistic orbit" on March 24.

The "Mars 12" launched in September 2017 after North Korea passed through Hokkaido, flying about 3,700 kilometers.