(New York News) The current natural gas demand in Europe has increased significantly, and China has decreased due to economic slowdown. In addition, the signing of trade agreements with the Trump administration will increase the purchase of the United States.The natural gas is sold to Europe, and the profit of each batch of goods can reach hundreds of millions of dollars.

According to the Wall Street Journal, buyers who purchase American natural gas from China, including Europe, Japan, and South Korea.From January to August 2021 to August, 133 ships carrying liquefied natural gas in the United States unloaded in China. Only 19 ships were drove to China in the same period this year. Others were shipped directly to China and regions that were sold in China.

Reporting quoted sources said that a Chinese oil ship will be extracted from LPG natural gas from Louisiana in mid -October and shipped directly to Europe.158 million to S $ 187 million).

Reporting and quoting the market data company ICIS data pointed out that in 2022, China purchased the liquefied natural gas quota on the United States by 72 million tons in the United States, but the US natural gas expected to be used in China this year is only 66 million tons, which gives China a surplusCan be sold.

China Customs Data shows that in the first eight months of this year, China has exported about 250,000 tons of natural gas to Europe and Asia, worth about $ 450 million, much higher than $ 7.3 million in 2021.

Reporting analysis, although the amount of natural gas sold in Europe in Europe is not enough to solve the energy shortage of winter in winter, it will destroy Russia's efforts to use supply to pressure Europe.This may also be a bargaining chip that makes Russia rely more on Beijing.