(Morning News) Russia's Defense Minister Shaygu was announced on Tuesday (October 4), since President Putin two weeks ago After the mobilization order , more than 200,000 people have been recruited to join the army.

According to Reuters, Sergei Shoigu also believes that they should not refuse to participate in the battle, unless there is a major reason to do so.

Shaygu announced earlier that Russia will call 300,000 people who have participated in the army, but the official mobilization documents did not mention exact figures.The Russian people are worried that the actual number of recruits may exceed 300,000.

The number of calls of officials in Russia is still lower than the number of escape from Russia.The official data of neighboring Kazakhstan shows that the number of Russians to Kazakhs has exceeded 200,000 in the past two weeks.

The European Union announced last week. As of September 25, 66,000 Russians entered the European Union in a week, most of them entered the European Union through Finland.