(Morning News) North Korea Tuesday (October 4) Sky -highAfter the ballistic missile , the Japanese and American military fighters conducted joint exercises.

The Ministry of Commander and Supervisor of the Ministry of Defense of Japan pointed out on the same day that the eight fighters in Japan and the four US fighters jointly conducted joint exercises in the western airspace in Kyushu, Japan.

In a statement, the department pointed out: "As the security environment around Japan is getting more and serious, the self -defense team and the U.S. military have jointly exercises, including North Korea's launch of the ballistic missiles that fly over Japan."

The statement added that these troops "showed their preparation status and showed Japan and the United States in response to any situation in response to any situation at home and abroad."

Before the statement was issued, the Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Kishida had a talks with John Aquilino, commander of the United States India Command.Subsequently, Kishida revealed to reporters, "We are quickly taking action ... we decided to conduct joint exercises."

Kyodo Society quoted government officials that Kishida will hold a telephone talks with the US President Biden on the evening of the 4th to launch a missile exchange opinion on North Korea.

Kishida publicly condemned North Korea's "barbaric behavior", saying that "this is a serious and urgent threat to our country's security, and it must not tolerate."

Kishida pointed out that "to launch ballistic missiles in the form of flying through Japan is a behavior that is likely to cause serious impact on the lives and property of the Japanese people."Essence

At 7:23 am on the 4th, North Korea launched a CD-ROM ballistic missile (IRBM), The range of missiles is more than 4,500 kilometers , crossing Japan.

Japanese official immediately issued a hedging alert to the residents , and once Speed up train services in northern Japan .After flying over the Japanese territory, this missile fell into the Pacific Water.

This is the fifth launch of ballistic missiles in North Korea in the past 10 days, which is equivalent to launching missiles every two days.