(Morning News) South Korean President Yin Xiyue on Tuesday (October 4) on Tuesday (October 4) Firedling the ballistic missile It is emphasized that the Korean army, allies, and the international community will resolutely respond to the blind nuclear provocation of North Korea.

Yonhae reported that Yin Xiyue said that the mid-to-long-range ballistic missiles launched by North Korea on the 4th After passing through the Japanese islands , the range was 4,000 kilometers.Yin Xiyue reiterated that he resolutely responded to North Korea's provocations and also mentioned the range of missiles, which has attracted much attention.

The South Korean military is analyzing specific parameters such as missile range, high shooting, and flight speed.

The South Korean President's Office held a national security conference under the auspices of the National Security Room Governor Kim Shenghan at 9 am on the 4th (Singapore time at 8 am on the 4th of Singapore time) to discuss countermeasures.It is reported that Yin Xiyue will attend the meeting.

According to the South Korean United Staff Headquarters, North Korea launched a medium -to -long -range ballistic missile in the area of Cijiang Road at 7:23 am on the 4th.Pacific Ocean.