(Morning News) Ukrainian President Zelei Sky Sunday (October 2) announced that the Ukraine has "completely cleared" the Russian army of Lyman, a strategic remembrance of Lyman, EastEssence

Zelei Sky issued a post on the instant messaging platform Telegram: "As of 12:30 (Singapore time at 5:30), Liman Town (Russian forces) has been completely cleared."

Saturday (October 1), the Ukraine recovered Five settlements near Liman , and surrounded the Russian army around the Russian army.Later, continued to advance towards the center of the town.The Russian Ministry of Defense issued a statement on the same day that the Russian army had evacuated the town of Liman to avoid the surrounds of the Ukraine.

The operation of the Ukraine's successful recovery of Liman town is regarded as Ukraine from Return to Halkov (Kharkiv) The biggest results since the large area.

According to AFP, a court document released online in Russia showed that Russian courts formally ruled that President Putin signed an agreement to annex the four regions of Ukraine "in line with the Russian Federal Constitution."

Following Russia on Friday (September 30) unilaterally After the announcement of the four districts of the Ukraine Signed an application document to join NATO, saying that Ukraine has displayed "the standard for NATO", and applied to join NATO through the fast channel on October 1.

In order to avoid further stimulating Russian nerves and triggering comprehensive conflicts, NATO's appeal to Ukraine's active appeal is cautious.