(Hong Kong News) People familiar with the matter revealed that the China Securities Regulatory Commission requested investment banks operating in China to avoid issuing political sensitive research reports before the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on the 16th of the CPC.

The Wall Street Journal of the United States quoted people familiar with the matter on Friday (September 30) that the China Securities Regulatory Commission recently issued the above suggestions to many securities companies, including the subsidiaries of large international banks such as Goldman Sachs Group and Morgan Chase in China.

People familiar with the matter revealed that some banks conveyed the information of the China Securities Regulatory Commission within the company.

Earlier this week, the research strategist of Morgan Chase's Asian private banking department was informed at a internal call meeting that he should not comment on political sensitive topics for the time being.

The China Securities Regulatory Commission responded to the Wall Street Journal inquiries that the content they asked was not true.

Morgan Chase private banks recently released multiple research reports have focused on the analysis of the Sino -US audit agreement, as well as the Chinese real estate market facing challenges.One of the research reports also explores whether China's "suspension of loan" will evolve into China's "Lehman crisis" like snowball, but the report believes that this result is unlikely to happen in China.

Goldman Sachs Group has also recently released a prediction report on China's economic growth.Goldman Sachs also predicts that China is unlikely to relax the epidemic prevention measures immediately after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

It is reported that in the past few years, the China Securities Regulatory Commission has issued similar alert information to banks, stocks or foreign exchange brokerage companies and asset management companies before the occurrence of major political activities across the country.