(Morning News) The 40 crimes of corruption faced by the former Deputy Prime Minister and UMNO Chairman Ahmad Zahi were not established, and the court was released in court.

Samanan High -Court Judge Mohamed Az on Friday (September 23) made the above -mentioned judgment on the foreign visa system case involved in Ahmad Zahi.The judge believes that the prosecution witness is not credible.

Ahmad ZahiWave to supporters.(Photo by Xiao Junyu)

After Ahmad Zahi in the defendant's column, he revealed his joy, and his wife and daughter prayed on the public seat.

A 69 -year -old Ahmad Zahi faced 40 crimes of corruption, of which 33 control stated that during his tenure as the Minister of the Interior, he received 13.56 millionXinyuan bribery and issued a support letter to allow UKSB to continue to handle China's one -stop service center and foreign visa system.The other seven items refer to him as a civil servant, but accept valuables or gifts.

This case affects the position of the UMNO party to hold a national election, so it has attracted much attention.On Friday morning, Ahmad Zahi came to court accompanied by his wife and daughter, and many supporters also cheered out of the Samanan High Court for him.