(Morning News) It is reported that Canada will join the "Blue Pacific Partner" led by the United States to strengthen economic connection with the Pacific Island country.

The United States established the "PARTNERS in the Blue Pacific (PBP) in June.The growing influence of Pacific.

The current members of the Blue Pacific partner include the United States, Australia, Japan, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

According to a draft of speeches published by the Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly at the United Nations Conference of the New York, Joli will announce at the United University that Canada will become a formal member of the Blue Pacific partner at the United UniversityAnd Canada also plans to "soon announce a new Indo -Pacific Strategy."

The report quoted a person familiar with the matter, saying that Juli will say in an event hosted by US Secretary of State Broskented that the decision -making in the Indo -Pacific region will have an impact on Canada, "we want to participate in it."

After the signed safety agreement between China and the Solomon Islands earlier this year, the risk of militaryization in the Pacific region has risen, and the competition between China and the United States for expanding the influence on the Pacific Island country has further intensified.