The State Department of the United States announced that State Secretary of State Broskens will meet with the Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi in New York during the UN General Assembly during the UN General Assembly.

The US State Department spokesman announced the information on the website of the State Council on Thursday (22).

A spokesman introduced that Blingken will discuss with Wang Yi on a series of bilateral and global issues at that time, and say that this is "we continue to work hard to maintain a part of the communication channels and control the competition responsible". "Essence

The last time the two met in July, Wang Yi met with Blintken after attending the Foreign Minister's Foreign Minister Conference in Bali, Indonesia.

On the other hand, Wang Yi also delivered a speech on Thursday (22nd) in the US Asian Association in New York.It also proposes to maintain a stable relationship, avoid conflict confrontation, and say that it is logically and reality.

Wang Yi emphasized that China insists on not dominating, expanding, not compasses, and does not seek the scope of power.China does not deny that there are competition between China and the United States in the fields of economy and trade, nor are they afraid of competition, but they do not agree with simply competition to define Sino -US relations.He also said that China has developed in the process of reform and opening up and integration with the world, and China will not be unable to decide with the world.

He also emphasized that Taiwan's issue is the core of China's core interests, and describes Taiwan independence as a gray rhino with strong destructive power. "It is rushing to us and should be resolutely stopped.