
(Morning News) North Korea has denied selling weapons to Russia and accusing the United States and "other hostile forces" scattered rumors that North Korea helps Russia fight in Ukraine.

Bloomberg reported that the North Korean Society quoted the Deputy Director of the North Korean Ministry of Defense Equipment and said: "We have no past, and there will be no plans to export weapons and ammunition to Russia in the future."

ThisThe deputy director, who was unknown, said, "The United States has stretched the conspiracy theory against North Korea to pursue despicable political and military purposes. We have strong condemnation and warning.Mi Tian lied. "

U.S. officials said in September that Russia hopes to buy millions of rockets and shells from North Korea for Ukraine War.British said in the National Defense Intelligence Report that Russia "almost certainly will be more and more" more and more of other sanctions national procurement weapons from North Korea.

Any behavior of providing weapons will violate the UN sanctions.The North Korean official pointed out that North Korea has never acknowledged the "sanctions resolution" of the United Nations Security Council that the United States and its forces were planted; weapons transactions with other countries were the inherent legitimate rights of sovereign countries. No one was eligible to say three and four.

North Korea's artillery forces are among the best in the world, and for decades have been stored.It is also adjacent to Russia on land and has a railway connection; however, the railway has been closed in the early stage of the crown disease and has been to this day.