(Beijing Comprehensive News) The Federal Reserve announced 75 basis points in the early morning of Thursday (September 22), which was the third time that it was announced in the year.Chinese official media criticized the United States to abuse the addiction of the US dollar hegemonic, and harvested the wealth of other countries in the weekly.

China CCTV News launched a special topic entitled "The abuse of the US dollar hegemonic addiction to the United States to rob global wealth" for more than six minutes.Injecting liquidity for the market and stimulating the economic growth of the United States; when inflation is high, the United States suppresses it through interest rate hikes and attracts international capital to return to the United States.

It is reported that under the manipulation of the Federal Reserve, the US dollar has completed a super dollar outflow of the US dollar to return to the US local currency tidal movement through the operation of the Federal Reserve's manipulation. This is the so -called "US dollar tide"Essence

Reported that through this means, the United States is like "wool wool" and harvested global wealth over and over again.

Reports analyzed examples of debt crisis in Latin America in the 1980s, and examples of the Southeast Asian financial crisis from 1997 to 1998, pointing out that the same drama was staged again this year, which not only caused the pressure of input inflation in multiple countries, but also exacerbated the outflow of capital of multiple countries.Risks such as depreciation of local currency and debt defaults. Some economies with fragile fundamentals and insufficient foreign exchange reserves have been impacted.

It is said that the effect of the Fed's round of "wool" is not as good as before

CCTV also said that although multiple economies have been impacted, analysts believe that the effect of the Fed's "wool" is not as good as before. One of the reasons is that emerging markets and developing economies in the United States fiscal and monetary policy to US fiscal and monetary policyHighly vigilant, there are coordination mechanisms or emergency reserve arrangements among different countries.

Report finally quoted analysts that since the beginning of this year, the global "de -US dollar" process has accelerated. Many countries have been seeking to get rid of the US dollar hegemony and emphasize that getting rid of the US dollar hegemony is not a goal that can be achieved in the short term.It has begun, and the momentum will become more and more obvious and stronger.