(Morning News) On Wednesday (September 21), the Presidential election reform bill was modified to modify the election certification voting process.

In the voting of the day, 229 votes in favor and 203 votes opposed.The voting results are basically based on the party. Nine Republican members joined the Democratic Party to vote in favor, but the nine Republican members will retire at the end of this year or fail to achieve re -election.

The content of this bill includes reiterating the only ritual effect in the process of reiterating the Vice President in the process of checking the electoral ticket, and must not change the results of the election;In the process of electoral tickets, only one -third of the House of Representatives and the Senate thought that when the results of a state election were wrong, all members need to vote for voting; if a state or local officials intend to delay voting or refuse to count,The court needs to intervene.

A number of Republican councilors opposed the bill, arguing that the bill would cause the "election to be feded."Some Republican members have pointed out that the purpose of Democrats to promote this bill is to target former President Trump.

Democratic members believe that this bill is not only a response to Trump's behavior, but also to prevent future presidential candidates from overthrowing the results of the election.

At present, the Senate is reviewing this bill and is expected to perform in the near future.

On January 6, 2021, during the Congress counted the presidential election election ticket, a large number of Trump supporters violently impacted the parliament, causing at least five people to die.The House of Representatives investigated the Special Committee of the Congress Mountain Riot Special Committee's investigation results stated that in order to overthrow the results of the 2020 election, Trump had pressured Duozhou officials, senior officials of the Ministry of Justice, and Vice President Pence.