The Federal Reserve announced interest rate hikes on Wednesday (September 21). China criticized the United States to solve the problem of high inflationary problems. It has greatly raised interest rates and worsen the weak world economy.

According to Surging News, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Zhao Lijian said on Thursday that as the world's largest emerging economy, the Chinese economy is an important engine and stabilizer for world economic growth.The China Economic Briefing released by the World Bank in June this year has actively evaluated the strong financial and monetary policy of China.During this year's service and trade conference, the World Bank officials have also stated that China's recent expansion of policies and measures will inject the driving force for the global economic recovery in the future.

He continued to say that, in contrast to the United States, in order to solve the problem of high inflation, the United States has raised interest rates from many rounds, and the US dollar has rapidly appreciated.The state was forced to swallow the bitter fruits such as the economic recession caused by the depreciation of the local currency, the fleeing of funds, the rising cost of financing and debt repayment, and the input -type inflation. Numerous families will poverty overnight, which worsen the weak world economy.

Zhao Li insisted that the Wall Street Journal also recently pointed out that the appreciation of the US dollar has caused trouble to the global economy. The United States should adopt a responsible economic and financial policy to play a constructive role in maintaining international financial stability and promoting the world economic recovery.EssenceThe World Bank should do more in the United States in this regard.