
(Morning News) The UN Security Council held a special meeting to discuss Ukraine conflicts. US Secretary of State Broncane accused Russian President Putin" pour oil on the fire "to Ukraine.It is emphasized that it must not be ignored by Putin's actions; Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov counterattacked the Western collective conflict.

A comprehensive report from Agence France -Presse and Reuters, Blingken said at the Security Council on Thursday (September 22) on Thursday (September 22): "We gather here today to defend the international order, but the international order is inWe were torn in front of us. "

Brinkens said:" We can't, we can't let (Russia) President Putin do whatever you want. "The measures exacerbated the situation in Ukraine. After the Kiev successively reported the report, it was announced that the reserve personnel were called. They also planned to hold a referendum in Russia controlled in the Ukrainian territory controlled by Russia.

Brinken said that it is essential to clarify that "no country can re -delineate the border of another country with force".

He said: "If we cannot defend the principle of public violations of the Kremlin, the information we send to the invaders from all over the world is that they can also do this."Rove did not attend a special meeting of the Security Council on time. He appeared for a while at the meeting. As soon as he finished his speech, he immediately left the scene, showing that he dismissed the criticism of various countries.

Lavrov violently countered Western allegations at the meeting. He said: "Today, someone tried to strengthen a very different statement on us and want to blame the root cause of this tragedy on Russia's invasion."

He accused Ukraine" terrorist Russia ", including forced the implementation of Ukraine regulations, and said that" the United States and allies have been covering the crimes of the auxiliary regime under the condonic organization of the international human rights organization. "

Lavrov also said: "The intention of collecting this conflict collectively in the West has not been punished. Of course, you will not punish yourself here."

From Russia to Ukraine on February 24Since then, Brincken has always refused to have a one -on -one with Lavrov for a while.

The permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and the very important party consisting of 15 members. Representatives of various members of the country have spoke at a special meeting, and they have called on Putin to stop attacking Ukraine.

A U.S. official who asked not to be famous said: "I think there is no one in the conference hall, including Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, to give Putin or Rafrov a little comfort."

The Security Council Special Meeting on the 22nd was convened by France, the current President of the Security Council, and the meeting aims to promote the accountability system of the Ukrainian war.French Foreign Minister Cologne said: "There is no peace without justice."