CITIC Lyon Securities predicts that with the deterioration of China's real estate market, Chinese families will transfer RMB 127 trillion ($ 25.52 trillion) funds to financial products in the next nine years. Financial institutions should do it for this.So prepare.

According to Bloomberg, Fan Haishu, director of China Financial Research Department of CITIC Securities, estimates that by 2030, the proportion of real estate in Chinese household asset allocation will drop from 37%in 2021 to 26%.In contrast, the proportion of investment funds such as common funds, wealth management products and insurance will increase from 13%to 21%during this period.

Fan Haishuo wrote on the CITIC Lyon Securities Flagship Investor Forum of CITIC Securities on Thursday (15th) that in the next few years, products managed by professionals will harvest a large piece of new funds cakes to financial institutionsIn other words, this means that the family balance sheet is a gold mine.

This transformation will marked that the practice of Chinese consumers has taken real estate as the most secure wealth growth for decades will change.This will not only highlight the long -term impact of China's real estate market, but also show the potential of China's emerging financial industry -the scale of this market is estimated to be around $ 57 trillion.

Fan Haishu estimates that by 2030, the income of financial institutions from household assets may double to more than double to 2.1 billion yuan.As more funds turn to financial products, the market share of common funds and fintech companies is expected to increase.

Fan Haishuo said that in the past 10 years, financial institutions have mainly sought to harvest income from family liabilities by lending loans. In the future, family asset -side income, that is, to provide financial services to earn handling fees.It will become a new driving force for financial institutions.

In the past year, with the debt developers who have stopped project construction and China's strict epidemic prevention policies have suppressed economic activities. The real estate industry, which has been a hot growth engine in China, has encountered severe challenges.

The sales price of new commercial housing in China has fallen for 12 consecutive months, and in August, a decrease of 0.29%in August.