US -China relations have worsened due to Perlis, the Speaker of the House of Representatives in the United States, and the outside world is worried that the November Xi -worship will be docked.John Kirby, a strategic communication coordinator of the White House National Security Council, said the meeting of the US -China -China heads of state is still actively arranged.

In order to counter Pelosi to visit Taiwan in early August, mainland China announced the cancellation or suspension of the eight climate, military and crackdown on criminal cooperation and conferences, and frequently provoked military provocations in the Taiwan Strait.According to the outside world, the US President Biden and the Chinese President Xi Jinping's first face -to -face meeting in November may change.

According to the US Fox News, John Kirby said on Wednesday (August 31) that the United States and China still actively coordinated on the date and place of the "worship" and arranged work to arrange workContinue, but there is no final case.

The Wall Street Journal of the United States quoted a person familiar with the matter in August that Beijing officials were arranging Chinese President Xi Jinping to visit Southeast Asia in November to talk face -to -face with US President Biden.Hosted the Bali Bali Summit of the G20 (G20) leader of the Twenty Group (G20).

Since taking office last January last year, he has conducted four calls and a video call with Xi Jinping. The last call was July 28. The two have not yet met face to face.