(Morning News) The US Department of Justice responded to the lawsuit filed by the former President Trump on the searches of the Federal Investigation Agency (FBI), saying that Trump took away from the White House when he left his office.The document was hidden in his home in his Florida, and pointed out that Trump's lawyer "clearly banned" agents to check the box in the storage room.

Agence France -Presse reported that a court document in the southern area of Florida pointed out that Trump's lawyer "clearly banned" the federal investigation bureau agent in June inspected Trump's real estate storageThe box of the room."The government has evidence that the government records are likely to be hidden and removed from the storage room, and it is likely to be used to obstruct the government's investigation."

According to reports, the court will) The court in Florida's West Palm Beach in Florida appointed "Special Master" to hold a hearing.

Trump August 22The materials of the manor are "further reviewed" until they appointed "Special Special officer" supervision and review.

When dealing with highly sensitive cases in the United States, if someone is worried that certain materials should not be allowed to check it, the court may ask the court to designate a special officer to check the documents they seized and ensure that investigators are required to ensure that investigatorsDo not review confidential information.