The US Minister of Commerce Raymond said that President Biden has not yet decided whether to relax the tariffs imposed on Chinese transmission of commodities. He is weighing the potential impact of inflation and the impact of American workers.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Raymond Duo said in an interview: "Biden is trying to weigh the benefits of cutting tariffs in inflation and the harm to American workers ...I know he is considering this problem. He treats this very seriously. "

For a few months, the White House has been discussing the possibility of reducing tariffs, Raymondo and US Treasury Minister Yellen, etc.Cabinet members believe that limited cutting tariffs will benefit American companies and consumers purchased Chinese products.

"All this depends on how to implement it and which products involved ... But I think reducing tariffs is good," Raymond Duo said on Monday (August 30)."This decision should be made by the president himself. We have made several briefings to him."

According to reports, US labor groups oppose the cancellation of tariffs, saying that tariffs are required to protect domestic manufacturers and encourage them to be in.Domestic investment.Dai Qi, a US trade representative, said that the tariffs on the collection can provide chips against China.China has not achieved the goals set by bilateral trade agreements that aim to reduce the US trade deficit in the era of Trump.

Democrats participating in the campaign in the intense US midterm elections also felt that Republicans might attack them to be weak in China, and they urged the White House to take over the outside world to reduce the pressure of some tariffs.

The views of economists and government officials are not conducive to reducing tariffs. They believe that this will only have a limited and one -time impact on the price level.

This summer, Perosi, Speaker of the US House of Representatives, visited Taiwan with other members of the House of Representatives, which led to the heating up in the tension between China and the United States on the issue of Taiwan, which also made discussions on whether to reduce tariffs.

Biden has not made a decision for several months. On the one hand, because there are differences inside his team, on the other hand, because of his own caution, there are other problems that make him lack of technique, such asThe Ukrainian war and the recently passed the inflation bill.

The Wall Street Journal quoted people familiar with the matter and revealed that Biden often heard a briefing about the reduction of the pros and cons of tariffs.They said that Biden had received a package plan, including options to reduce consumer goods tariffs and start a new program that allowed importers to apply for exemption tax levy.

Another proposed action will be based on the trade law, a new survey for Chinese subsidies and state -owned enterprises, and may introduce a new tariff.These methods in China are to protect domestic strategic industries, such as information technology, electric vehicles, biotechnology and aerospace.

U.S. government officials have previously stated that the earliest tariff reduction measures will be announced in July. The goal is to return to schools such as bicycles and clothing and other consumer products that have no strategic significance for economic competition in the United States and China.

As the main weapon to fight a trade war with China, former US President Trump passed the four -wheeled operation from July 2018 to September 2019 to lose a total value of about 370 billion US dollars.The goods levied the tariffs ranging from 7.5%to 25%.

The United States and China signed a trade agreement in 2020, but the United States retains most of the tariffs levied on Chinese goods to enter the United States to ensure that China can comply with the terms of the agreement. These clauses include the Chinese commitment.Buy more American products.