According to data from the US Department of Agriculture, the coarse rice output of Thai Vietnam accounts for about 10 % of the global output, and about 26 % of the global export volume comes from Taiyue.As global grain prices have risen, if these two countries with each other increased rice prices, it is undoubtedly a bad news for buyers and consumers.

(Bangkok Composite Electric) Thailand and Vietnam agreed to work together to increase the price of rice in the international market.

Thailand and Vietnam are the world's second and third largest rice exporters.According to data from the US Department of Agriculture, the output of coarse rice in Thailand accounted for about 10 % of the global output, and about 26 % of the global export volume originated from Taiyue.As global grain prices have risen, if these two countries with each other increased rice prices, it is undoubtedly a bad news for buyers and consumers.

A new round of negotiations held on Monday (August 29), officials of Thailand, and Alon, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, issued a statement saying: "This is the first time that Thailand and Vietnam have agreed to cooperate to raise rice and raise rice.Price in the international market. "

Thailand and Vietnam have raised rice prices to open talks in May this year.A Thai spokesman said at the time that the purpose of the talks was to promote the price of the two countries exported rice, enhance the bargaining ability of the two countries in the global rice market, and increase the income of millions of rice farmers in the two countries.

Alonki revealed that the summary of the latest round of talks and the proposal to increase the price of rice prices will be presented to the Minister of Agriculture of the two countries.He said, "Can the goal of (increasing the price of rice) can be achieved? I can't answer. But today we have become a agricultural strategic partner and take the first step together."

It is unclear when Thailand will increase the price of rice.Alon is admitting that it is not easy to join forces to push the price in reality, because it involves the quality problems of each rice, and buyers may change their goods from other suppliers.

Reuters made a comment request to the Vietnam Food Association and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam, but the other party did not respond immediately.

Since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine conflict, global food supply has tightened, and the prices of wheat and corn have soared, and rice is the main food that can prevent the deterioration of the world's grain crisis.Because of the output and inventory, the price of rice has been stable.

India explores restrictions on broken rice exit

India, the world's largest rice export country, is discussing restrictions on the implementation of broken rice exports when domestic rice is tight.India has a share of 40%in global rice transactions, while fragmented rice accounts for 20%of Indian rice exports.

Professor Dowa, a professor at the Ahmed Bad Management Research Institute in India, pointed out that restricting the export of broken rice will only affect a few countries and will not cause the international grain market to be in crisis.

The part of the crushed rice during processing is called broken rice.China is the largest buyer in India's fragmented rice, and China imported rice is used as livestock feed.Some poor countries in Africa purchased broken rice in India as food.