(Washington News) A survey report released by the National Committee of the United States and China Trade (USCBS) on Monday (August 29) showed that the optimistic emotions of the China -American enterprises' outlook on China's business environment fell to a record low.

China's zero -epidemic zero policy has led more than half of the companies to delay or cancel investment in China.

According to the official website of the National Committee of the US -China Trade Commission, the survey shows that 51%of the interviewed companies are optimistic about the prospects of China's business in the next five years, far lower than 69%last year.

According to the survey, China's "clearing zero" epidemic prevention measures are the biggest challenges faced in Huamei Enterprise this year. 96%of the interviewed US companies in China have been negatively affected by the prevention and control measures of Chinese crown disease.Enterprises have suspended, delayed or canceled investment plans in China due to epidemic prevention and control measures.

17%of US companies interviewed said that China's sealing measures have influenced its investment in China by more than $ 50 million (about S $ 69.78 million) in China.The survey also shows that Sino -US relations are still one of the biggest challenges facing Huamei Enterprises.