(Morning News) The protests in the" Green Area "of Baghdad, the capital of the Iraqi capital, had a bloody conflict on Monday (August 29), causing at least 17 deaths and injuries to dozens of people.

Comprehensive Reuters and Xinhua News Agency reported that an official who was unwilling to disclose his name said that when the security forces used tear bullets in the "green area" to disperse the protesters, there was a sporadic shot from the "Unknown Gunner".Police and medical staff said at least 17 people died, including protesters and security forces, and dozens of others were injured.

The Iraqi Prime Minister Media Office issued a statement saying that Prime Minister Cardimi has ordered the investigation to investigate the incident, find out the perpetrators and hold accountable in accordance with the law.

The Iraqi joint operation headquarters issued a statement on the 29th that all provinces across the country began to implement a curfitude at 7 pm on the day (at 12 am on the 30th of Singapore time) until they were notified separately.Baghdad started a curfew at 3:30 pm on the same day, and the vehicles and citizens were prohibited from going out.

Sader announced that the retirement protests suddenly upgraded

Iraqi Shiite religious leader Sader.(Agence France -Presse)

Earlier that day, Sader, Shihite, Iraqi, said in social media: "I decided not to interfere with political affairs and announce their retirement.""The relevant agencies will also be closed.Sader has previously called on the dissolution of the National Assembly and re -elected to break the deadlock for several months.

After the latest statement in Sader, the protests that lasted a month have been upgraded suddenly.A large number of Sader's supporters pushed the roadblocks in the "Green Area" of Baghdad, and forced the government building, including the Republic's Palace.Subsequently, Prime Minister Cadimi issued a statement calling on the demonstrators to keep restraint, immediately withdraw from the "Green Area", and abide by the instructions of the security forces.

In October last year, Iraq held a new election of the National Parliament. Of the total 329 seats, the "Sader Movement" won 73 seats and became the largest party in Parliament.

On June 12 this year, because of failure to form a majority government, the "Sader Movement" member resigned collectively.Since then, the political group led by Sader in the Shiite camp has become the largest party of the parliament. The new Prime Minister's selection of the new prime minister who intentionally selected was opposed by Sader.Since the end of July, Sader's supporters have launched demonstrations in many provinces to protest the nomination of the new Prime Minister's candidate.