(Morning News) American intelligence pointed out that the Russian army is suffering a shortage of manpower while fighting Ukraine, and is seeking recruitment of mercenaries, and even criminals who are required to be convicted.

With the seventh month of the Ukrainian war, Russian President Putin signed a decree last week to increase the scale of the Russian armed forces from 1.9 million to 2.04 million.Moscow did not disclose any losses in the first few weeks of conflict, but Western officials and Kiev Government believed that these losses were tens of thousands.

Reuters reported that a U.S. officials quoted the US intelligence department on Wednesday (August 31) that the Russian army suffered a serious manpower in Ukraine.

The official said that it is believed that the Russian Ministry of Defense is seeking recruitment of mercenaries to make up for the shortage of these personnel. "Payment bonus ".

The official also said, "We have a reliable report that the Russian Ministry of Defense may also begin recruiting criminals convicted in Ukraine in exchange for pardon and economic compensation."