
(Morning News) Russia and Ukraine have accused each other on Saturday (August 27), and shells around the Zapolo Nuclear Power Station.

The Russian Ministry of Defense has accused the Ukrainian army of fighting the Zapolo Nuclear Power Station three times in the past 24 hours.Energoatom issued a statement in Telegram that the Moscow army has repeatedly shot nuclear power plants in the past day, so that nuclear power plants are facing the risk of radioactive material leakage.

Zapolo is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. It has been controlled by the Russian army since the beginning of March, but nuclear power plants continue to be operated by Ukrainian staff.In recent weeks, both Russia and Ukraine have accused each other on the shells near the nuclear power plant.

The Russian Ministry of Defense issued a statement saying that the Ukrainian army launched a total of 17 shells, four of which hit the roof of the No. 1 special building, where the 168 US Nuclear Power Business West House (WestingHouse) nuclear fuel (Westinghouse) nuclear fuelComponents.It said that 10 artillery shells exploded near the dry storage facilities that stored lack of nuclear fuel, and three of the buildings near the buildings of fresh nuclear fuel exploded.It said that the radiation level of nuclear power stations is still normal.

A firecracker of a coal -fired power plant at the Zapolo Nuclear Power Station on the 25th caused the reactor to disconnect with the power grid for the first time.Among the six nuclear power stations, two of the two nuclear reactors have been re -connected to the State Power Grid to restore power supply.However, the Ukrainian President Zeleiski pointed out on the 26th that the situation of the nuclear power plant is still "very dangerous."