(Morning News) Western visitThe dispute caused by Taiwan continues to ferment.Although there are signs that both sides are interested in repairing the relationship and maintaining the smooth communication channels, analysts believe that the relationship between the relationship between the two countries is getting stronger and stronger, and the Chinese side unilaterally suspend the number of the number of existence with the United States.From now to November, any incident may lead to the first face -to -face meeting of the planned U.S. President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Voice of America Saturday (August 27) reported that The news of the first face-to-face meeting between Bynden and Xi Jinping As early as the end of July, the two were reported by a number of American media such as Bloomberg.Just a few days after the call, Perosi led the group to visit Taiwan .The Washington Post said that Xi Jinping asked him to find a way to stop Peroci from visiting Taiwan during a call with Biden.A series of measures taken by Beijing subsequently, including the PLA's exercises that lasted for several days in the surrounding waters around Taiwan, and unilateral interruptions with the United States' cooperation and dialogue with the United States in many fields, further exacerbating the tension between the United States and China.

Some observers believe that Xi Jinping's Bao Bao Deng will discourage Peros to abandon the plan to decline in Taiwan at the last moment, which has made them impossible.

Critics familiar with the CCP's politics, the Chinese strategic analysis think tank researcher and the Chinese strategic analysis magazine Deng Yanwen said in a review article published on August 10th in the Optical Media, "Xiwai Call has talked about itThe offline meeting between the two can also indirectly prove the misjudgment of Biden, because if he judged that Biden could not stop Pelosi, it was unlikely to discuss the issue of offline meetings with Biden.Make him completely lost his trust in the Biden government. At least this year he will not talk to Biden, let alone meet offline. "

A report on the 16th of the Wall Street Journal revealed that in PeroAfter visiting Taiwan in the west, mainland Chinese officials were still preparing to talk to Southeast Asia in November this year with Biden's face -to -face talks.It is reported that Xi Jinping may attend the Twenty Group (G20) Leadership Summit held from November 15th to 16th from November 15th to 16th.Then go to Bangkok, Thailand to attend the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit two days later.Preparation is to meet with Xi Jinping and Biden at the sidelines of the two summits.

There are signs that both sides are considering the method of repairing the relationship.

Senior researcher Craig Singleton, a senior researcher at the "Defending Democratic Foundation" Washington Think Tank, saidConsidering the method of repairing the relationship, and for the US -China relations at the lowest valley in the decades, the head of state may be the most effective way.

He said: "Just as the Cold War, the contact between leaders can become a very useful tool for alleviating the tension relationship between the great power, but the final success or failure of the planning of the planning will completely depend on them.. "

So far, neither Washington and Beijing have not confirmed the information about the two parties meeting with Xi Jin's plane.An official of the National Security Council told VOA on the 25th that the meeting between Biden and Xi Jinping "No new progress."

Active signs is that the United States and China still maintain the opening of communication channels.Deputy Secretary of State Sherman met with the Chinese ambassador to the United States in the State Department Qin Gang on the 23rd, focusing on discussing the issue of Taiwan Straits, but neither the United States and China did not disclose the specific content of the meeting.

Patt, deputy spokesperson for the US State Department, said in a telephone briefing on the next day that the United States has always had and will continue to open communication channels with China.He said: "Beijing has stopped some important communication channels and cooperation of several important issues that affect the entire world ... but the United States continues to seek open and constructive communication channels to manage our differences, especially when the relationship is tight"

The Chinese Embassy in the United States did not respond to the interview requirements of the VOA's voice on Qin Gang and Shelman.

Eurasia Group, Ali Wyne, a global macro geopolitical analyst, praised the efforts of the Bayeng government's commitment to maintaining the smooth communication channels with Beijing.

He said: "In view of the tension of US -China relations and the importance of its development trajectory to geopolitical evolution, continuous high -level dialogue is not only popular, but also necessary.The dialogue is far better than the dialogue. "

Nevertheless, a series of measures taken by Beijing after visiting Taiwan in Beijing, including high -intensity military exercises around Taiwan, and cancel the United States and China in some important important in some important in the United States and China in some important in the United States and China.Cooperation in the field is regarded by the United States as "excessive reaction".U.S. Ambassador to China, Bernes, recently said that Beijing's actions were "making crisis" during an interview with the United States CNN.

Berns said to CNN at the US Embassy on the 19th: "We believe that US -China relations should not have a crisis because of the peaceful visits to Taiwan in the US House of Representatives ... This is a crisis created by the Beijing government.. This is an excessive reaction. "

He also said that mainland China needs to persuade other countries in the world. It is not a" unstable factor "and will act peacefully in the Taiwan Strait.

Bernus's statement quickly attracted strong attacks in Beijing.The website of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a statement of a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the 22nd."Strong words and hegemony logic."

After that, Chinese official media launched another wave of public opinion offensive against the United States.On the 24th, the Xinhua News Agency released 11 facts titled by Pelosi to go to Taiwan. It once again accused the United States of confusing the United States to confuse right and wrong and reverse black and white.The article said, "We need to put the facts. The original source is clear, so that the essence of the US hegemony and the logic of robbers have nowhere to be hugged."

At the same time, after Perosi visited Taiwan, the United States also visited Taiwan with a number of politicians including senators and governors.

Some analysts are worried that the confrontation atmosphere of the sword between the United States and China may still be able to disturb Huang Shang's meeting with Xi Jinping in November.

Researcher: Any event may allow the worship to make soups

Patrick M. Cronin, director of the Asia -Pacific Security Research Institute in the Hudson Institute, said that from now to NovemberAny event may allow the worship to make soup.He said: "In view of the serious confrontation tone in US -China relations, if the purpose of this meeting is only to make the annoying bilateral discussion not slow down, the meeting is easily delayed by one or both parties."P> The Eurasian Group Wayne warned that if Bayon and Xi Jinping failed to meet as scheduled, US -China relations would likely slip into the abyss."There is no doubt that US -China relations are becoming more and more nervous."

But some analysts believe that in ChinaOn the eve of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the Chinese economy was slowing down and may be in a crisis, Xi Jinping even hoped to stabilize the US -China relations in the spiral decline than that of Biden.This also makes the Biden government more active and confident when dealing with Beijing.

The Wall Street Journal quoted Sun Yun, the director of the China Project Director of the Washington Think Tank Stan Ting Sheng Center, reported that Xi Jinping's current primary task is stable, and in the short term, it is necessary to prevent losing relationship with the United States.

Singelton, who "defending the Democratic Foundation", said: "Xi Jinping may be willing to try to stabilize with China's largest trading partner -the United States after the Chinese Communist Party will get the third term this fall.Relationship. "