(Morning News) James Weber Space Telescope for the first time in the atmosphere of the solar system found clear evidence of carbon dioxide.

Xinhua News Agency reported that the American Astronautics Bureau introduced in a bulletin on Thursday (August 25) that the planet named WASP-39 B is a giant gaseous planet, about 700 light from the earth, about 700 light.In the year, its quality was about a quarter of Jupiter. It was equivalent to Saturn. It was 1.3 times the diameter of Jupiter. The surface temperature was about 900 degrees Celsius.

The communiqué said that researchers used the near -infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC) to observe this giant gaseous planet with James Weber Space Telescope (James? Webb).Its atmospheric spectrum data provides the clear and detailed evidence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of the solar system.

The US Space Agency said that the detectors such as the Hubble Space Telescope and the Spirzzer Space Telescope had discovered water vapor, sodium and potassium in the atmosphere of WASP-39 B planets.The discovery of James Weber Space Telescope this time confirmed that there was still carbon dioxide on this planet.

The Aerospace Bureau said that understanding the composition of the atmosphere of the planet is very important for studying the origin and evolution of planets.Although WASP-39 B is a giant gaseous planet, this discovery shows that the future James Weber Space Telescope may detect carbon dioxide in smaller rock planets.

James Weber Space Telescope was jointly studied and developed by the American Astronautics Agency, the European Space Agency, the Canadian Astronautics Agency, and was considered the "successor" of the Hubble Space Telescope.

James Weber Space Telescope was launched from French Guyukuru Space Center on December 25, 2021.Run orbit.